オリンピック招致反対 objection to Tokyo Olympic


I object to invitation of Olympic to Tokyo.
Inviting Olympic will bring us Tokyo residents no profit but many of agony.
The only who become happy with 2016 Tokyo Olympic is a kind of developers who will gain more with increased land price or projects to be ordered.
Most of Tokyo residents will gain only suffering with increased air pollution or noises made by construction of concerning facilities.
Those who promote Tokyo Olympic say "Don't you want to watch live Olympic at your town? It is so precious experience! "
No ! None of us residents can watch 'live' even though it is on our very next track or stadium.
It's because Japan is a kingdom of ad agency.
Even if the Olympic is on Tokyo, most of the tickets allocated to Japan will be grasped in the hands of major ad agencies and
only those who have connection with them will succeed to get.
Just like what happened at Nagano 11 years ago, the stadium door in front of us will be shut and we'll have no way but watching it on TV.
The actual Olympic once starts, we will have to suffer more with terrible traffic jam, too much traffic or other regulations or increasing risk of terrorism.
The governor Ishihara excited in promotion equals to demanding us residents to have patience to the risk of losing our lives in commuting time on the trains or buses.
Also, it is not a problem only for us Tokyo residents.
During Olympic time a serious lack of accommodation will occur. Those who come to Tokyo for business trip may be unable to find where to stay.
In Tokyo will they sleep on spread blankets on the hard and cold floor of their office?
In the most strict defense against terrorism, there'll be no place to sleep in parks or stations. It's a problem of YOU!!

To invite Olympic, Tokyo wastes much of our tax to the posters, flags or other promotion tools.
That kind of costs must be used for our health, wealth or protection against disasters like earthquakes or floods. In current Tokyo we can hardly say these are enough good.
